Free Mental Health / Mind-Body / Community Resources


1) Nutrition/ Fluid Intake — Work with your practitioner to find the right nutrient-dense diet for you. Often, an organic and anti-inflammatory diet is recommended. Unfortunately, because soils are so depleted of micro-nutrients and we eat fruits & veggies long after they've been picked, much of our food options are relatively nutrient-poor. Because of this, key nutrient supplements can augment a nutrient-dense diet. Again, work with your practitioner to decide which are more important for your body. In addition, drink water, ideally with a little mineral salt, or squeeze juice, daily.

Some of my favorites:

A. Extend Nutrition for hypoglycemia to balance your sugar

B. Electrolytes - Fruit juice, like lemon, orange, or lime in your water for better hydration absorption. Be sure to squeeze the juice directly from the fruit rather than purchasing concentrated juice. You can also add a little bit of salt. I recommend Redmond Real Salt

C. Adrenal Cocktail: Base Recipe. Have mid-morning and mid-afternoon.

- 4 Oz. of Orange Juice (or can substitute coconut water)
- Fresh squeezed is best, but not essential. The Vitamin-C Complex makes sure that the minerals noted below get to the Liver to then nourish the Adrenals.
- 1/4 tsp of Cream of Tartar (This is an excellent source of Potassium, or you can use Potassium Bicarbonate) - 1/4 tsp of fresh ground Redmond's Real Salt or Sea Salt (This is an excellent source of Sodium & 90+ other trace minerals)

D. Low Histamine Diet read HERE

2) Mindfulness, Visualizations, Relaxation — An easy way to start is the Insight Timer app, 10% Happier app, Headspace app,  or Calm app on your phone. Start small, 5-8 min/day. It takes about 6 weeks before you notice the positive impact (may just be boring at first), but it has excellent research behind it, so stick with it. If you like gadgets and real-time feedback, check out the Muse headset which gives you feedback on the quality of your meditation sessions using real-time brain waves. It also measures and tracks heart rate variability which is one of our best ways to evaluate the functioning of our parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system, which most Americans are weak in. Depending on where you are, we will likely do some kind of mindfulness activity together, either at the beginning or during our session. We will also be focusing a lot of visualizations and gratitude…

Psychology Today: The Benefits of Visualizations

The Benefits of Gratitude: The Neuroscience of Gratitude and Effects on the Brain

Be, Do, Have Explanation: The Morning Routine That Will Make You Unstoppable

Simple meditations and somatic exercises:

A. 2-minute meditation

B. 5-minute meditation

C. Breathing:  4 seconds inhale, hold for 5, 6 sec exhale, hold for 5. Do this 3-5 minutes 3x/day for at least 6 weeks. If you'd like you can use the Heartmath device for biofeedback when doing this Try this exercise

D. HRV Meditation

E. Surrender Mediation

F. The physiological sigh: two deep inhales through the nose (no exhale in-between), followed by a full exhale to empty lungs (through the mouth) is the fastest way to reduce autonomic arousal - aka "calm down" and causes activation of neural circuits specifically for calming. 

G. EFT Tapping for hard moments

H. EFT for Anxiety Around Health

I. EFT Tapping for Chronic Illness

J. Vagus nerve stimulation

K. Go To Glow Meditation

L. Tension Headache Relief

M. Healing hertz playlist for meditations/relaxation

N. EFT for Anger

Allow yourself to feel better because you deserve that.


Biohacking is using experimentation and technology to improve your health and wellness. One powerful way to reprogram your mind through biohacking is by harnessing the power of music. Our brainwaves respond differently to various types of music and we can induce certain feelings with the right beats. Binaural beats involve playing two tones at different frequencies to induce certain states of mind. It’s been proven that our subconscious mind absorbs information better when we are in a relaxed state, so you can use binaural beats to trigger alpha brainwaves.

3) Movement: Work with a chronic-illness-literate physical therapist or coach to ensure you’re moving in the safest way possible for your body. Movement is wonderful for mental health, detoxing purposes (clearing lymph nodes), lubricating your joints, and more.  

  1. Insight PT and Coaching

  2. Dr. Shikhman’s office (San Diego) has a PT program that you can ask about. They have an amazing Pilates 1:1 instructor. 

    1. Rising Tides Recovery (Virtual)  click HERE

  3. POTS Exercise Guide Download PDF

  4. Ventral Vagus Exercise Download PDF

4) Drainage Pathways: Most of us have heard the #KillBindSweat protocol, however, it really needs to be #SweatBindKill. Meaning, ensuring our detox pathways are open, so that any toxins being bound to, that we’ve killed, have an exit out of the body. Rather than having the toxins recycle and reabsorb back into the body, and/ or having an intense Herxheimer/ detox response (this was me for years).

Chat with your practitioner about this, prior to starting any protocol: See Chelsea Turners Free Guide HERE

Some ways to drain:

5) Work to optimize your sleep hygiene. Sleep is vital to detoxing and healing, on all levels. Please work with your practitioner to ensure these are safe for you to try

6) Neural Retraining/ Nervous System Retraining is based on neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the lifelong capacity of the brain to change and rewire itself in response to the stimulation of learning and experience. We essentially can heal our bodies, by healing our brains/ nervous systems. Neural retraining is a daily practice that helps us to create new neural pathways. By doing this, it helps us get out of fight-or-flight (fight, fleeing, freezing, fawning), aka a chronic stress response. Our bodies can then prioritize healing over surviving, as it gently moves us into a consistent state of ‘rest and repair.’

I have my own neural retraining program I like to use in conjunction with other programs out there. Actually, it is a requirement that my clients sign up for a neural retraining program while in therapy, as I have seen it consistently be an effective tool. Plus, it’s an affordable and non-invasive treatment. Many (including myself) wish they knew about it at the beginning of their healing journey. DNRS, Gupta, Primal Trust, Organic Intelligence, and Vital Sides are all options. Some even offer free trials - Sometimes you can join online neural retraining support groups where someone is either giving away their program for free or at a discounted rate. 

A. Why it’s important to Read

B. DNRS has online, and DVD options -  Free Trial ($50 off program at the end) 

C. Gupta / Free Trial ($50 off program at the end)

D. Primal Trust has a paced program that clients seem to really like

E. Rewired with Joe Dispenza

F. How to Rewire Your Brain With Ho’oponopono Technique

G. Free 3-part neural retraining training

H. Neural Retraining Program for Tinnitus and Vertigo

I. Neural Retraining for Children

J. Retrain your brain out of the chronic stress response to connect with your most vital self. Use code "Beginwithin10" for 10% off at checkout.

K. Retrain your brain out of the chronic stress response to radically transform your health. Use code "Beginwithin10" for 10% off at checkout.

7) Support Groups: Group coaching and support is a wonderful way to process what you’re moving through and to gain self-awareness by listening to others with similar challenges, with a focus on hope and healing. 

A. Empowerment Circle - For anyone affected by Lyme Disease, including their loved ones (FREE). Every Third Tuesday at 6 PM PST on Zoom SIGN UP HERE

B. Chronic Illness Meditation Group

C. Other Lyme Support Groups

D. Chronic Illness Creative Circle - Join the Chronic Market for its monthly virtual creative meetup, and meet fellow creatives around the world.  You don't have to have a ME/CFS diagnosis to join; all are welcome! As with previous meetups, this is a low-key online space where people can create whatever they want, wherever they are, and share in real time a bit of their creative process and their stories and struggles too if they feel so inclined JOIN HERE

E. Pillow Writer’s Group

8) Books:

The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton

The Mind-Body Prescription by Dr. John Sarno 

The Divided Mind: The Epidemic of MindBody Disorders by Dr. John Sarno

You Are the Placebo by Joe Dispenza

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza

Molecules of Emotion by Dr. Candace Pert

Brain Rules by John Medina

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay 

The Brain's Way of Healing by Norman Doidge

Change Your Brain Change Your Life by Dr. Daniel G. Amen

Train Your Mind; Change Your Brain by Sharon Begley

Calling In The One

A Complaint-Free World by Will Bowen

Hardwiring Happiness by Rick Hanson 

When the Body Says No by Dr. Gabor Mate

Walking the Tiger by Dr. Peter Levine  

How To Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan

Codependent No More by Melanie Beatie 

Untethered Soul and The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer

Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate

Unlearn your Pain Workbook

2023 Gluten Free Buyers Guide: Stop asking "Which foods are gluten-free?" This gluten-free grocery shopping guide connects you to only the best so you can be gluten-free for good.

9) Videos/Podcasts:

A) Why We Get Sick

B) Heal Documentary (Free on Amazon) 

C)The Wisdom of Trauma Documentary

D) How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind with Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. on the Mark Groves Podcast

E) Get Out of Pain Permanently  Podcast // Read

F) E-motion on Gaia  (90% of our energy goes towards suppressing past memories)

G) Moldy Movie

H) Dr. Gabor Maté On How Trauma Fuels Disease | Rich Roll Podcast

I) Surrendering by Michael Singer

J) The Mind/Body Connection

K) “Free at Heart: Buddhism and Serious Illness”

L) What if My Body is Brilliant?

M) The Shocking Link Between Kindness and Illness

10) Therapeutic Modalities

A. Constructed Awareness is a practical and organic approach to psychotherapy designed to help clients accept and heal themselves simply by observing their experience more deeply. The Constructed Awareness Institute is dedicated to education and research that enhance therapists’ clinical work and personal growth.

Take a Quiz HERE

B. Parts Work Therapy attends to the conflicts between parts that when left unresolved can sabotage your efforts toward healing. For example, within therapy, there are times when you might be attempting to work through a difficult or traumatic memory. Even though you are ready to heal, there might be a part of you that interferes with the process in an attempt to protect you from vulnerable feelings that feel threatening to your sense of self.

C. Neural Retraining / Nervous System Retraining is based on neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the lifelong capacity of the brain to change and rewire itself in response to the stimulation of learning and experience. We essentially can heal our bodies, by healing our brains/ nervous systems. Neural retraining is a daily practice that helps us to create new neural pathways. By doing this, it helps us get out of fight-or-flight (fight, fleeing, freezing, fawning), aka a chronic stress response. Our bodies can then prioritize healing over surviving, and It gently moves us into ‘rest and repair,’ allowing our bodies to prioritize healing over surviving.

I have my own neural retraining program I like to use in conjunction with other programs out there. Actually, it is also a requirement that my clients sign up for a neural retraining program while in therapy, as I have seen it consistently be an effective tool. Plus, it’s an affordable and non-invasive treatment. Many (including myself) wish they knew about it at the beginning of their healing journey. DNRS, Gupta, Primal Trust, Organic Intelligence, and Vital Sides are all options. Some even offer free trials - Sometimes you can join online neural retraining support groups where someone is either giving away their program for free or at a discounted rate. 

D. Tapping, or EFT is a mind-body therapy that draws on the traditional Chinese medicine practice of acupuncture.  It involves tapping key acupressure points on the hands, face, and body with your fingertips while focusing on uncomfortable feelings or concerns, and using positive affirmations to neutralize those feelings.

‘Research suggests that EFT tapping can relieve stress,  help with important, and even relieve symptoms of PTSD.’

E. EMDR Therapy With Mindfulness Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy with mindfulness is an extensively researched, effective psychotherapy method proven to help people recover from trauma and other distressing life experiences, including PTSD, anxiety, depression, and panic disorders. The EMDR approach believes past emotionally-charged experiences are overly influencing your present emotions, sensations symptoms, and thoughts about yourself. The processing allows you to process traumatic or intrusive memories and break through emotional blocks, without having to retell every detail of one's experience. EMDR incorporates bilateral stimulation and mindfulness, replicating the sleep pattern, updating your memories to a healthier present perspective, and creating a shift in the way one manages triggers and experiences the memories of past events so that you can live an adaptive and emotionally healthy life.

Read more about it HERE. Keep in mind, that you may get emotional during processing, and have vivid dreams after our sessions, especially in the beginning. If any other symptoms come up, please stay in close communication. Read more about experiencing EMDR HERE.

11) Ruling out Mold, Parasites, Candida, Lyme, Heavy Metals, and Bartonella

A) Mold (in-home) (test pets too)

+ Combo text (home and mycotoxin (I can order anything from RealTime Labs) click HERE

B) Parasite test

C) Lyme and Bartonella tests Lyme disease test  - Be sure to test for both and (this explains the limitations of the others) Specialty lab covered by insurance MDL lab

D) Heavy Metal testing via IV provocation (Restoration Healthcare, etc)

E) Candida (Blood/Stool test)

F) At-home Nutrition Testing with Vessel

I am able to order many personal tests. Please let me know if you’re interested.

12) Journaling 

When my own health became more complex, I committed to journaling each night. I documented my vitals, nutrition, symptoms, challenges, and accomplishments (big and small), with a focus on gratitude. This was and continues to be especially helpful for healthcare appointments, and a great reference for recalling specific information I’ve written down, as well as noting any progress. Journaling daily brought me to the realization that I was indeed healing, even if I was only able to breathe that day.

Daily journaling has been linked to not just mental wellness, but physical wellness. It’s a wonderful mind-body tool.

Begin Within Health Tracking Journals are available in our store now shop HERE

Reading material:

A. How To Journal Speak

B. Balanced Self-Care Worksheet PDF

D. The tools

E. Calling in the One Journaling Worksheets PDF

F. As a client, you will get to choose any journal of your liking. Please select the type of journal, the color on the website, and a preferred mailing address. 

13) Hotlines

A) Access and Crisis Line: 2-1-1 

B) Chronic Illness Hotline (202) 596-6520

C) Non-Medical Companion Listening Line 800-565-9731 (via)

D) Trevor Project 

E) National Suicide Helpline  8-1-1 / 1-800-273-8255, or text HELLO TO 839863. 

F) Lyme Peer-to-Peer mentor program

Need emotional support during or after a psychedelic experience? 

Fireside Project Is a nonprofit that operates the Psychedelic Peer Support Line. They provide free, confidential peer-to-peer emotional support to people in the midst of psychedelic experiences or processing past psychedelic experiences. You can reach out to them every day from 3 pm to 3 am PT by phone or text message (62-FIRESIDE | 623-473-7433) or mobile app. Their mission is to help people minimize the risks and fulfill the potential of their psychedelic experiences.

H) List of other Hotlines click HERE

14) Wholesale Pharmacy (Fullscript)

All clients have access to 25 % off all supplements and holistic products - Please let me know if you’d like for me to create an account for you. Link HERE

For Cellcore Products: - Use Code: hqIHv9xX (for ordering)

Stem Cell Stickers

15) Providers

A) San Diego Provider’s List

B) Dr. Shikhman (Sorrento Valley, San Diego)- Lyme literate physician who accepts most insurances. PT and IV clinics are attached and under insurance coverage. 

C) Dr. Dranikov (Irvine, CA and Westwood, CA / Telemedicine) - Lyme literate physician who also accepts most insurances. IV clinic is attached and is covered by most insurance. WESTWOOD LOCATION

D) New Beginning Healthcare  (La Mesa, CA) - Lyme literate and covered by insurance AND IV clinic

E) PCP and Urgent Care (Encinitas, CA) - Lyme-literate

F) Dr. Kuriso - Lyme-literate Osteopath (Home visits in San Diego) - Takes insurance

G) ILADS - Lyme Provider Directory - Must  register (free) to get a list of doctors in your area

H) Lyme Doc- Lyme Provider Directory  and

I) Holistic Dentistry (San Diego)

J) Dr. Mai - Osteopath (Encinitas, CA)  

K) Dr. Kenny Sheppard - Nucca Chiropractor (Del Mar, CA)  Dr. Young (Mission Valley)

L) April Spurling - Lyme-Literate Eye Doctor  (Mission Viejo, CA)  

M) Lyme-Literate Pediatrician (San Diego) 

N) Theta healer (online)

O) Holistic Psychiatry (online) 

P) Lyme Literate OB GYN- Dr. Baginski

Q) Ryan Diaz, DPM

San Diego

P) Naturopath College Clinic

S) Holistic Gynecologist (San Diego)

T) LDN pharmacist

U) Pelvic Floor Specialist

V) Mast Cells United Provider List

W) Holistic Dentistry

X) Chronic Illness and psychedelic-informed Ayurvedic Herbalist

Y) Southern California Integrative Specialists (only Lyme doctors that can be accessed from anywhere)

Lam Clinic -

Tustin Longevity -

SD in-person and virtual Executive Functioning Coach

Guadiani Clinic - All-Inclusive Medical Care for Eating Disorders (Mast-Cell Literate)

Z) Chronic Illness Health Coaches - Erica and Amanda Dahl and

Directory of Therapists

14) Retreat and Health Centers

A. Deerpark Monastery (Free Mindfulness days and retreats in San Diego)

B. Vipassana Donation-based 10-Day Silent Meditation Retreats (Domestic and Global)

C. Tara Mandala Meditation Retreats (Colorado)

D. Health Retreat (Costa Rica)

E. Meditation Retreat (New Mexico)

F. Health Detox Program (Mexico)

G. Panchakarma Health Detox Program (India)

15) Financial Support + Work Support

A. Chronic-illness Friendly Jobs

B. Lyme and Chronic Illness Financial Assistance

C. Lyme Grants for those under the age of 26

D. Lyme Foundation Grants

E.  Lyme Treatment Foundation opens grant applications Feb 15, 2023

F. Tips on Applying for Disability Benefits with Lyme Disease

G. Low-Cost Prescriptions

H.  Free financial counseling

I. Dollar For Help

16) Mental Health Practitioners

A. Low-Income Therapy

B. Daniel Segal (Lyme literate couple’s therapy)

C. List of Chronic Illness Literate Therapists

D. Chronic Illness Couple’s Therapist

E. Dr. Max -Chronic Illness provider that is also neural retraining aware

17) Holistic Home

A. Shop my favorite products at

B. Cleaning up Mold in the Home x

C. Green Maids

D. Immunolytics

18) Misc

A. Pain and Trauma research

B. Free Human Design Chart

C. Lyme Biobank Collection Sites

D.  Vitamin D/ Sunlight App

E. Serendipity App

F. The healing power of nature

G. Filing for Disability

H. At-Home Infusions and take care of CVS specialty pharmacy

I. Organic, Gluten-free, Vegan Food-Delivery

J. Pro Rite

K. Hierarchy of Needs

L. Berries- Use Code Christina50 to get $50 off your first month

Have a good resource and/or provider to add? Send it to me, and I’ll share it with our community! :)