What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a general term for treating mental health challenges by talking with a mental health provider. During psychotherapy, you learn about and to sit with your condition and situation and your moods, feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Psychotherapy empowers you to be introspective and learn healthy coping mechanisms.

What is your holistic approach when working with clients?

I use holistic evidence-based treatment modalities mixed with practice-based evidence, all contingent on each individual’s needs and goals, with an added focus on mindfulness techniques, positive psychology, neural retraining, strength-based, and trauma-informed approaches. I meet each client exactly where they are, sometimes that means beginning the session with a grounding exercise, be it meditation, visualization, or tapping exercise. We may also pull a card to jumpstart dialogue before utilizing a modality. Therapy is very much a team effort, and it’s important that you feel comfortable in our alliance, and that we compassionately work towards your goals.

We also look at what other factors may be contributing to any disharmony or dis-ease in your life/ body. Clients are all required to visit a root-cause practitioner if they haven’t established care with one already. Depending on where you live, some practitioners accept most insurances that I can connect with you with. In addition, we will likely look at, or discuss sleep hygiene, nutrient intake, movement, self-care tools, self-love practices, clean beauty products, work-home environments (emotional, physical, cleaning products, etc), utilizing healthy boundaries, nervous system regulation, support systems, mindfulness grounding activities, and creativity.

How long is your waiting list?

Unfortunately, I can’t provide the exact amount of wait time, as each new space is created as a client slows down and graduates. If, and when we begin working together, you will see that I believe in slow therapy, where our sessions go until you feel complete, and I do not pack my days to ensure I keep a balance with my own life, and health. This allows me to pour from a full cup, and to be as present, and supportive as possible.

Who do you work with?

I love to work with those who are not only seeking to heal but who believe they can heal. This includes but is not limited to the chronic illness community. My clients are open-minded, solution-focused, and receptive. They understand that a lot of the magic happens between our sessions. In addition, many are spiritual, holistic-minded, third-culture (1st or 2nd generation), neurodivergent, and part of the LGBTQ+, sex positive, body positive and spiritual communities.

I invite only divine beings of the highest good and compassion to work with me.

How long will I be in therapy?

The duration of treatment depends on each individual. Each client displays their history, circumstances, and beliefs that can determine how long it will take to reach their individualized goals. Research has indicated anxiety, for example, can be treated in 12 sessions, however, most people come with complex histories.

I review treatment plans every 90 days ensuring our work is progressing. It is important to me that we are making progress in reaching your goals. If not, we can decide what to do next. Be it, by changing things up, or referring out to a different practitioner. My goal is that you are feeling better.

How often is therapy? What is Slow Therapy?

Therapy is generally for 1 hour, 1-4 times a month. I say ‘generally’ because our sessions run until the client feels complete, 1-2 hours. This is ideal for both our nervous systems so that we aren’t rushed, hyper-focused on the clock, and feel we have adequate space and time to process whatever it is that we need to process.

At the end of each session, it is the client who gets to decide when we are meeting next. The therapist’s availability is subject to change to accommodate both her and her client’s schedules and treatments. Flexibility, and patience are always appreciated. Keep in mind, Christina is nomadic, with home bases both in California and Europe.

How much are sessions with you?

1:1 Coaching/ Therapy Sessions are $299- 333 (Phone appointments with exception of first appt, and EMDR sessions) and $349-399 (Video Appointments)

Couples Sessions are $444-555 (video)

Support Group sessions are $50/Group (unless a free group)

Do you take insurance in the states you’re licensed in?

I am currently a private pay, out-of-network provider, which means I do not accept insurance at this time. However, I have partnered with Thrizer which helps you only pay what you owe when you have a PPO plan. Please go to the following link: https://www.thrizer.com/for-clients

If Thrizer is not being used, then I can either accept PayPal or Venmo, or credit cards and will provide you with a Super-bill, which I can send directly to your insurance.

***I cannot use Thrizer outside of the states I am licensed in.

I can’t afford your prices at this time. Do you offer a sliding scale fee?

I do offer sliding scale options, however, I am currently at capacity (please contact me to be placed on the sliding scale waiting list). If you need a clinician who offers a sliding scale fee, please visit Open Path. Please head to the ‘resources’ tab to find a link for a list of other chronic illness therapists.

Keep in mind, I also offer groups, including one that is free.

What type of payment do you accept?

Thrizer (for insurance) + Credit Card (via TherapyNotes), PayPal and Venmo.

Can I see you in person?

My practice is 100% virtual. This allows everyone to participate from the comfort of their own home, without having to worry about commuting. or accessibility. This also allows for flexabiity around challenging schedules. Clients have the option to chat via video, or over the phone (some even take me on walks with them!).

In-person retreats coming soon!

Any requirements to meet with you?

Cellular connection, and/or wifi.

Outside of 1:1 therapy/ coaching, I require two things: One is that you establish care with a root-cause/ functional medicine practitioner. The second is that you enroll in a neural retraining program of your choosing (this can be found in the resources section of the website). We can discuss this further in consultation. However, please know, that I feel very strongly about both of these items and find them integral in healing chronic illness. If this isn’t in alignment, please head back to the resources section to find a list of other chronic illness therapists.

Do you go to therapy? How do you take care of your mental health?

I firmly believe that every healer needs a healer. I find that the more work I do on myself, via psychotherapy, coaching, support groups, and working with various healers and medicines ensures that I can consciously show up to each of our sessions better-equipped, mindfully present, and pouring from a full cup. The deeper I meet myself, the deeper I can meet you :>

How do you do anti-racist/ Decolonization, and LGBTQIA+-ally work?

I find it important to address and dismantle systemic racism, and oppression by creating a courageous space for dialogue, education, and advocacy in learning and unlearning how we each play a role with our privilege(s); and biases. In addition, how this plays a part in our society, our nervous systems, and how we respond to the world, and one another. It is important for every member of our community to feel safe, and worthy, so that we may all heal. In addition to doing my work on my learning and unlearning, a portion of each session’s payment is donated to The Loveland Foundation, and the National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network, which provide accessible therapy and resources to marginalized communities.

How do you give back to the chronic illness community?

In addition to donating 10% of journal proceeds to an organization that advocates, does research for, or offers resources to the chronic illness community, I volunteer as a group facilitator and sit on the board for the San Diego Lyme Alliance/Bay Area Lyme Foundation.

What’s your cancellation policy?

I require a 24-hour notice for cancellations unless there’s an emergency, or health flare/ concern. Clients are responsible for a no-show fee of $149. Remember, therapy is a commitment to yourself.

What’s up with social media?

Information contained on the social media accounts belonging to www.beginwithintoday.com, and ‘Begin Within Today’ are for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for treatment or consultation with a mental health professional or business consultant.

Communication in any form through social media platforms does not constitute a therapeutic or business relationship of any kind.

How do I start?

Step 1: Schedule a FREE 30-minute phone consultation by filling out the contact form here. Can’t wait to meet you!

Step 2: Chat with me during our risk-free Zoom/ phone consultation to discuss your treatment goals, and challenges and see if the vibe is the right fit.

I am very passionate about the importance of meeting your needs and if I feel like your concerns or goals are outside of my scope, I will provide referrals for other therapists after our consultation. Whether you begin therapy with me, or not, I will be sending you an email full of resources I have found helpful that I’ve collected for a while now.

Step 3: Fill out the initial paperwork sent to your email via TherapyNotes, a platform that manages my practice documents (HIPAA compliant). All paperwork must be completed before our initial session for legal and ethical purposes. Once the paperwork is completed, you will send me an e-mail notifying me so that I can adequately prepare for our initial session. Keep in mind, that the first session will run up to 2 hours, as it’s comprehensive.

Step 4: Get ready for the session, pour a warm drink, and get cozy all from the comforts of your home. Click on the Zoom link, or answer the phone call for the session! Yes, it is that easy!

Step 5: During the initial session, I review paperwork, go over your history, introduce myself, and discuss your treatment goals then we start wherever you’re at that day to ensure you feel heard. I let my clients process whatever is on their minds, take notes, and offer gentle guidance when necessary. 

Et, voila! Let the therapeutic relationship begin :> Thank you for doing this for yourself.