Mental Health

Mindfulness, Visualizations, Relaxation

An easy way to start is the Insight Timer app, 10% Happier app, Headspace app,  or Calm app on your phone. Start small, 5-8 min/day. It takes about 6 weeks before you notice the positive impact (may just be boring at first), but it has excellent research behind it, so stick with it. If you like gadgets and real-time feedback, check out the Muse headset which gives you feedback on the quality of your meditation sessions using real-time brain waves. It also measures and tracks heart rate variability which is one of our best ways to evaluate the functioning of our parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system, which most Americans are weak in. Depending on where you are, we will likely do some kind of mindfulness activity together, either at the beginning or during our session. We will also be focusing a lot of visualizations and gratitude…

Psychology Today: The Benefits of Visualizations

The Benefits of Gratitude: The Neuroscience of Gratitude and Effects on the Brain

Be, Do, Have Explanation: The Morning Routine That Will Make You Unstoppable

Simple meditations and somatic exercises:

- 2-minute meditation

- 5-minute meditation

- Breathing:  4 seconds inhale, hold for 5, 6 sec exhale, hold for 5. Do this 3-5 minutes 3x/day for at least 6 weeks. If you'd like you can use the Heartmath device for biofeedback when doing this Try this exercise

- HRV Meditation

- Surrender Mediation

-The physiological sigh: two deep inhales through the nose (no exhale in-between), followed by a full exhale to empty lungs (through the mouth) is the fastest way to reduce autonomic arousal - aka "calm down" and causes activation of neural circuits specifically for calming. 

- EFT Tapping for hard moments

- EFT for Anxiety Around Health

-EFT Tapping for Chronic Illness

-Vagus nerve stimulation

- Go To Glow Meditation

- Tension Headache Relief

- Healing hertz playlist for meditations/relaxation

- EFT for Anger

Allow yourself to feel better because you deserve that.

Biohacking is using experimentation and technology to improve your health and wellness. One powerful way to reprogram your mind through biohacking is by harnessing the power of music. Our brainwaves respond differently to various types of music and we can induce certain feelings with the right beats. Binaural beats involve playing two tones at different frequencies to induce certain states of mind. It’s been proven that our subconscious mind absorbs information better when we are in a relaxed state, so you can use binaural beats to trigger alpha brainwaves.

Neural Retraining/ Nervous System Retraining is based on neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the lifelong capacity of the brain to change and rewire itself in response to the stimulation of learning and experience. We essentially can heal our bodies, by healing our brains/ nervous systems. Neural retraining is a daily practice that helps us to create new neural pathways. By doing this, it helps us get out of fight-or-flight (fight, fleeing, freezing, fawning), aka a chronic stress response. Our bodies can then prioritize healing over surviving, as it gently moves us into a consistent state of ‘rest and repair.’

I have my own neural retraining program I like to use in conjunction with other programs out there. Actually, it is a requirement that my clients sign up for a neural retraining program while in therapy, as I have seen it consistently be an effective tool. Plus, it’s an affordable and non-invasive treatment. Many (including myself) wish they knew about it at the beginning of their healing journey. DNRS, Gupta, Primal Trust, Organic Intelligence, and Vital Sides are all options. Some even offer free trials - Sometimes you can join online neural retraining support groups where someone is either giving away their program for free or at a discounted rate. 

- Why it’s important to Read

- DNRS has online, and DVD options -  Free Trial ($50 off program at the end) 

- Gupta / Free Trial ($50 off program at the end)

- Primal Trust has a paced program that clients seem to really like

-Rewired with Joe Dispenza

-How to Rewire Your Brain With Ho’oponopono Technique

-Free 3-part neural retraining training

- Neural Retraining Program for Tinnitus and Vertigo

- Neural Retraining for Children

- Retrain your brain out of the chronic stress response to connect with your most vital self. Use code "Beginwithin10" for 10% off at checkout.

- Retrain your brain out of the chronic stress response to radically transform your health. Use code "Beginwithin10" for 10% off at checkout.


When my own health became more complex, I committed to journaling each night. I documented my vitals, nutrition, symptoms, challenges, and accomplishments (big and small), with a focus on gratitude. This was and continues to be especially helpful for healthcare appointments, and a great reference for recalling specific information I’ve written down, as well as noting any progress. Journaling daily brought me to the realization that I was indeed healing, even if I was only able to breathe that day.

Daily journaling has been linked to not just mental wellness, but physical wellness. It’s a wonderful mind-body tool.

Begin Within Health Tracking Journals are available in our store now shop HERE

Reading material:

- How To Journal Speak

- Balanced Self-Care Worksheet PDF

-The tools

- Calling in the One Journaling Worksheets PDF

- As a client, you will get to choose any journal of your liking. Please select the type of journal, the color on the website, and a preferred mailing address.